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see lie II

  • 1 lie in state

    ((of a corpse) to be laid in a place of honour for the public to see, before burial.) ficar em câmara ardente

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lie in state

  • 2 lie in state

    ((of a corpse) to be laid in a place of honour for the public to see, before burial.) ficar em câmara-ardente

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > lie in state

  • 3 lain

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > lain

  • 4 liar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > liar

  • 5 lain

    * * *
    [lein] vi pp of lie.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lain

  • 6 lying

    see lie, lie II I

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > lying

  • 7 liar

    * * *
    [l'aiə] n mentiroso, mentirosa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > liar

  • 8 lay

    I 1. [lei] past tense, past participle - laid; verb
    1) (to place, set or put (down), often carefully: She laid the clothes in a drawer / on a chair; He laid down his pencil; She laid her report before the committee.) pousar
    2) (to place in a lying position: She laid the baby on his back.) deitar
    3) (to put in order or arrange: She went to lay the table for dinner; to lay one's plans / a trap.) preparar
    4) (to flatten: The animal laid back its ears; The wind laid the corn flat.) achatar
    5) (to cause to disappear or become quiet: to lay a ghost / doubts.) aplacar
    6) ((of a bird) to produce (eggs): The hen laid four eggs; My hens are laying well.) pôr
    7) (to bet: I'll lay five pounds that you don't succeed.) apostar
    2. verb
    (to put, cut or arrange in layers: She had her hair layered by the hairdresser.) pôr em camadas
    - lay-by
    - layout
    - laid up
    - lay aside
    - lay bare
    - lay by
    - lay down
    - lay one's hands on
    - lay hands on
    - lay in
    - lay low
    - lay off
    - lay on
    - lay out
    - lay up
    - lay waste
    II see lie II III [lei] adjective
    1) (not a member of the clergy: lay preachers.) laico
    2) (not an expert or a professional (in a particular subject): Doctors tend to use words that lay people don't understand.) leigo
    IV [lei] noun
    (an epic poem.)
    * * *
    [lei] n 1 situação, posição, configuração. 2 postura. 3 camada. 4 parte nos lucros, quinhão. 5 ramo de negócios, atividade, ocupação, emprego. 6 vulg ato sexual. 7 vulg parceiro no ato sexual. • vt+vi (ps and pp laid) 1 derrubar, deitar, prostrar, abater. 2 pôr, colocar, assentar. 3 acalmar ou fazer desaparecer, exorcizar, conjurar, aplacar. 4 deitar em posição de repouso, depositar, pousar, estender. 5 dispor, planejar, preparar, arranjar. 6 imputar, atribuir. the crime is being laid to her / o crime está sendo atribuído a ela. 7 apresentar (queixa, protesto). 8 sl ter relações sexuais. 9 enterrar. 10 apontar (armas). 11 localizar(-se). the scene is laid in New York / a cena se passa em Nova York. lay of the land 1 configuração do terreno. 2 estado de coisas. to lay about. a) distribuir socos a esmo. b) atacar com socos ou palavras. to lay a claim to reclamar, reivindicar. to lay an ambush preparar uma emboscada. to lay aside/ away a) pôr de lado, separar, guardar para uso futuro. b) deixar de, largar, abandonar. to lay a tax impor um imposto. to lay bare a) revelar. b) despir, desnudar. to lay before exibir, mostrar, exprimir. to lay blows dar pancadas, socos. to lay bricks assentar tijolos. to lay by economizar, guardar. to lay by the heels aprisionar, prender. to lay down a) depositar, pousar no chão, deitar. b) depor (armas). c) declarar, afirmar. d) pagar, apostar. e) formular, traçar. f) reservar, guardar, armazenar. g) sacrificar. h) construir. to lay down one’s arms render-se. to lay down one’s life sacrificar a vida. to lay down the law repreender com severidade. to lay eggs pôr ovos. to lay fast agarrar e segurar firmemente. to lay fire pôr fogo. to lay hands on a) pôr mãos à obra. b) tocar. c) assaltar. d) agarrar. to lay hands upon oneself suicidar-se. to lay heads together deliberar, conferenciar. to lay hold of/on agarrar, prender, segurar. to lay in armazenar, pôr em estoque. to lay into bater, espancar. to lay it on exagerar bastante. to lay it to one’s door atribuir a culpa a outrem. to lay off a) despedir empregados, cortar pessoal. b) parar. to lay on a) impor, infligir. b) golpear. c) instalar. to lay open a) expor, descobrir. b) explicar. to lay out a) dispor, arranjar, projetar, traçar. b) mostrar, expor. c) gastar, desembolsar. d) vestir defunto. e) nocautear, pôr fora de combate. to lay over cobrir. to lay plans fazer preparativos ou planos. to lay siege to a) sitiar, cercar. b) importunar, assediar. to lay ten dollars on a horse apostar dez dólares num cavalo. to lay the blame on someone responsabilizar, imputar responsabilidade a alguém. to lay the hands on Eccl impor as mãos. to lay the land perder a terra de vista. to lay the loss at avaliar o prejuízo em. to lay the nap of a cloth alisar a lanugem (pano). to lay the table pôr a mesa. to lay to parar (navio). to lay together a) pôr lado a lado. b) somar. to lay to heart a) sentir profundamente. b) tomar seriamente em consideração. to lay to sleep/ rest enterrar. to lay to the oars remar a toda força. to lay under sujeitar a, submeter. to lay up a) armazenar. b) economizar. c) ficar na cama. d) pôr um navio no dique. to lay wait ficar à espreita, emboscar. to lay waste assolar, devastar.
    [lei] vi ps of lie.
    [lei] n 1 balada. 2 fig canção, canto.
    [lei] adj leigo, secular.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lay

  • 9 lay

    I 1. [lei] past tense, past participle - laid; verb
    1) (to place, set or put (down), often carefully: She laid the clothes in a drawer / on a chair; He laid down his pencil; She laid her report before the committee.) pousar
    2) (to place in a lying position: She laid the baby on his back.) deitar
    3) (to put in order or arrange: She went to lay the table for dinner; to lay one's plans / a trap.) dispor
    4) (to flatten: The animal laid back its ears; The wind laid the corn flat.) assentar
    5) (to cause to disappear or become quiet: to lay a ghost / doubts.) acalmar
    6) ((of a bird) to produce (eggs): The hen laid four eggs; My hens are laying well.) botar
    7) (to bet: I'll lay five pounds that you don't succeed.) apostar
    2. verb
    (to put, cut or arrange in layers: She had her hair layered by the hairdresser.) arrumar em camadas
    - lay-by - layout - laid up - lay aside - lay bare - lay by - lay down - lay one's hands on - lay hands on - lay in - lay low - lay off - lay on - lay out - lay up - lay waste II see lie II III [lei] adjective
    1) (not a member of the clergy: lay preachers.) laico
    2) (not an expert or a professional (in a particular subject): Doctors tend to use words that lay people don't understand.) leigo
    IV [lei] noun
    (an epic poem.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > lay

  • 10 TO

    1. [tə,tu] preposition
    1) (towards; in the direction of: I cycled to the station; The book fell to the floor; I went to the concert/lecture/play.) a
    2) (as far as: His story is a lie from beginning to end.) a
    3) (until: Did you stay to the end of the concert?) até
    4) (sometimes used to introduce the indirect object of a verb: He sent it to us; You're the only person I can talk to.) para/com, etc.
    5) (used in expressing various relations: Listen to me!; Did you reply to his letter?; Where's the key to this door?; He sang to (the accompaniment of) his guitar.) a/para
    6) (into a particular state or condition: She tore the letter to pieces.) em
    7) (used in expressing comparison or proportion: He's junior to me; Your skill is superior to mine; We won the match by 5 goals to 2.) a
    8) (showing the purpose or result of an action etc: He came quickly to my assistance; To my horror, he took a gun out of his pocket.) para
    9) ([tə] used before an infinitive eg after various verbs and adjectives, or in other constructions: I want to go!; He asked me to come; He worked hard to (= in order to) earn a lot of money; These buildings were designed to (= so as to) resist earthquakes; She opened her eyes to find him standing beside her; I arrived too late to see him.) para
    10) (used instead of a complete infinitive: He asked her to stay but she didn't want to.) fazê-lo
    2. [tu:] adverb
    1) (into a closed or almost closed position: He pulled/pushed the door to.) até fechar
    2) (used in phrasal verbs and compounds: He came to (= regained consciousness).) aos sentidos, ao trabalho, etc.
    * * *
    abbr 1 telegraph office (sala do telégrafo). 2 traditional orthography (ortografia tradicional). 3 turn over (vide verso, vire a página).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > TO

  • 11 story

    I ['sto:ri] plural - stories; noun
    1) (an account of an event, or series of events, real or imaginary: the story of the disaster; the story of his life; He went to the police with his story; What sort of stories do boys aged 10 like?; adventure/murder/love stories; a story-book; He's a good story-teller.) história
    2) ((used especially to children) a lie: Don't tell stories!) história
    - a tall story II see storey
    * * *
    [st'ɔ:ri] n 1 conto, relato, narrativa, crônica. 2 novela, lenda, história, fábula, romance, conto, anedota. 3 coll mentira. 4 enredo de novela ou de peça teatral. 5 boato. 6 Amer artigo de jornal, reportagem.vt 1 historiar, contar histórias, narrar. 2 decorar com quadros representando cenas históricas. as the story has it ou as the story goes conforme consta. short story conto. that is another story isto é outra história ou coisa diferente. the same old story a mesma desculpa. to make ou to cut a long story short para abreviar a história.
    [st'ɔ:ri] n = link=storey storey.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > story

  • 12 to

    1. [tə,tu] preposition
    1) (towards; in the direction of: I cycled to the station; The book fell to the floor; I went to the concert/lecture/play.) a
    2) (as far as: His story is a lie from beginning to end.) a
    3) (until: Did you stay to the end of the concert?) até
    4) (sometimes used to introduce the indirect object of a verb: He sent it to us; You're the only person I can talk to.) para/com, etc.
    5) (used in expressing various relations: Listen to me!; Did you reply to his letter?; Where's the key to this door?; He sang to (the accompaniment of) his guitar.) a/para
    6) (into a particular state or condition: She tore the letter to pieces.) em
    7) (used in expressing comparison or proportion: He's junior to me; Your skill is superior to mine; We won the match by 5 goals to 2.) a
    8) (showing the purpose or result of an action etc: He came quickly to my assistance; To my horror, he took a gun out of his pocket.) para
    9) ([tə] used before an infinitive eg after various verbs and adjectives, or in other constructions: I want to go!; He asked me to come; He worked hard to (= in order to) earn a lot of money; These buildings were designed to (= so as to) resist earthquakes; She opened her eyes to find him standing beside her; I arrived too late to see him.) para
    10) (used instead of a complete infinitive: He asked her to stay but she didn't want to.) fazê-lo
    2. [tu:] adverb
    1) (into a closed or almost closed position: He pulled/pushed the door to.) até fechar
    2) (used in phrasal verbs and compounds: He came to (= regained consciousness).) aos sentidos, ao trabalho, etc.
    * * *
    [tu:; tə] adv 1 em direção a, para diante. 2 em posição normal ou de contato. 3 para si, a si, à consciência. • prep [tu; ta; tu:] 1 para, em direção a, a, ao, à. he goes to London / ele vai para Londres. he was a friend to me / ele foi um amigo para mim. it came to my hand / chegou às minhas mãos. I sent it to him / mandei-lho. 2 até. 3 para, a fim de. 4 em. 5 com. 6 de, da, do. 7 em honra de. 8 na, no, contra. throw it to the ground / jogue-o no chão. 9 sobre, a respeito. 10 por. 11 Gram marcador do infinitivo. what is to be done? / o que se deve fazer? in days to come / em dias vindouros. we expected him to go / esperávamos que ele fosse. it was seen to come / era de se esperar. add to that além disto. agreeable to agradável para. all to a man até o último homem. all to yourself tudo para você. a quarter to two um quarto para as duas horas. as to quanto a. attentive to atento a, atencioso para. face to face cara a cara. fall to the ground cair no chão. from hand to hand de mão em mão. heir to the crown herdeiro do trono. in comparison to em comparação a. our duty to nosso dever para com. put the horses to! atrele os cavalos! this is nothing to that isto não é nada em comparação com aquilo. 3 is to 6 as 9 is to 18 3 está para 6 assim como 9 está para 18. tired to death morto de cansaço. to a great age até a velhice. to a great degree em alto grau. to go to school ir à escola. to my cost às minhas custas. to my feeling a) em minha opinião. b) de acordo com o meu sentimento. to my knowledge segundo meu conhecimento. to my taste para o meu gosto. to the clouds até as nuvens. to the contrary ao contrário. to the minute ao minuto. to time na hora, pontual.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to

  • 13 wait

    [weit] 1. verb
    1) ((with for) to remain or stay (in the same place or without doing anything): Wait (for) two minutes (here) while I go inside; I'm waiting for John (to arrive).) esperar
    2) ((with for) to expect: I was just waiting for that pile of dishes to fall!) esperar
    3) ((with on) to serve dishes, drinks etc (at table): This servant will wait on your guests; He waits at table.) servir
    2. noun
    (an act of waiting; a delay: There was a long wait before they could get on the train.) espera
    - waiting-list
    - waiting-room
    * * *
    [weit] n 1 espera, tardança, delonga, demora. they had a long wait at the gate / eles tiveram de esperar muito no portão. 2 Theat entreato, intervalo. 3 cilada, emboscada. 4 Hist banda de música, um dos músicos ou cantores ambulantes, música por eles executada. • vt+vi 1 esperar, aguardar. we waited for him at the station / esperamos por ele na estação. we kept him waiting / fizemo-lo esperar. 2 retardar, protelar, adiar, demorar. 3 ter paciência ( until até). wait for it! / espere, aguarde o resultado! 4 servir, atender, cuidar de (at/on/ upon). 5 visitar, fazer visita respeitosa a (on/ upon). 6 resultar de. to lie in wait esperar em emboscada. to wait at table servir à mesa. to wait in line esperar em fila. to wait up a) esperar acordado. don’t wait up for me to come / não fique acordado até eu voltar. b) Amer ir mais devagar, esperar por alguém que vem mais atrás. wait and see! sl deixe como está, para ver como fica!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wait

  • 14 story

    I ['sto:ri] plural - stories; noun
    1) (an account of an event, or series of events, real or imaginary: the story of the disaster; the story of his life; He went to the police with his story; What sort of stories do boys aged 10 like?; adventure/murder/love stories; a story-book; He's a good story-teller.) história
    2) ((used especially to children) a lie: Don't tell stories!) história
    - a tall story II see storey

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > story

  • 15 to

    1. [tə,tu] preposition
    1) (towards; in the direction of: I cycled to the station; The book fell to the floor; I went to the concert/lecture/play.) para, a, em
    2) (as far as: His story is a lie from beginning to end.) até
    3) (until: Did you stay to the end of the concert?) até
    4) (sometimes used to introduce the indirect object of a verb: He sent it to us; You're the only person I can talk to.) para
    5) (used in expressing various relations: Listen to me!; Did you reply to his letter?; Where's the key to this door?; He sang to (the accompaniment of) his guitar.) de
    6) (into a particular state or condition: She tore the letter to pieces.) em
    7) (used in expressing comparison or proportion: He's junior to me; Your skill is superior to mine; We won the match by 5 goals to 2.) a
    8) (showing the purpose or result of an action etc: He came quickly to my assistance; To my horror, he took a gun out of his pocket.) a
    9) ([tə] used before an infinitive eg after various verbs and adjectives, or in other constructions: I want to go!; He asked me to come; He worked hard to (= in order to) earn a lot of money; These buildings were designed to (= so as to) resist earthquakes; She opened her eyes to find him standing beside her; I arrived too late to see him.) para
    10) (used instead of a complete infinitive: He asked her to stay but she didn't want to.)
    2. [tu:] adverb
    1) (into a closed or almost closed position: He pulled/pushed the door to.)
    2) (used in phrasal verbs and compounds: He came to (= regained consciousness).)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > to

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Lie — (l[imac]), n. [AS. lyge; akin to D. leugen, OHG. lugi, G. l[ u]ge, lug, Icel. lygi, Dan. & Sw. l[ o]gn, Goth. liugn. See {Lie} to utter a falsehood.] 1. A falsehood uttered or acted for the purpose of deception; an intentional violation of truth; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Lie — For other uses, see Lie (disambiguation) A lie (also called prevarication, falsehood) is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement, especially with the intention to deceive others. To lie is to state something with disregard to… …   Wikipedia

  • Lie to Me — For other uses, see Lie to Me (disambiguation). Lie to Me Genre Drama Crime Police procedural Comedy drama Created by Samuel Baum …   Wikipedia

  • lie-down — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) Etymology: lie down : a lying down or period of lying down : nap, rest * * * /luy down /, n. Chiefly Brit. a nap. [1830 40; n. use of v. phrase lie down …   Useful english dictionary

  • lie low — verb 1. keep a low profile, try to be inconspicuous (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑hide, ↑hide out • Verb Frames: Something s Somebody s 2. to try to avoid detection especially by police …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lie back and think of England — For the article on the album by Oysterband, see Lie Back and Think of England (album). Lie back and think of England is an English saying with roughly the same meaning as grit one s teeth , i.e. put up with what is happening, though this… …   Wikipedia

  • lie detector test — A test made by lie detector. See lie detector …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • lie in one's teeth — phrasal see lie in one s throat …   Useful english dictionary

  • lie on the oars — phrasal see lie on one s oars …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lie group — Lie groups …   Wikipedia

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